About Us
Peregrine Medical is an independent occupational medicine practice providing occupational medicine consulting, fitness for work, injury management, independent medical assessments and disability assessments for a wide range of clients.
Occupational Physicians are highly-trained medical specialists with expertise focused on the effects of work on health and conversely health on work. Occupational Physicians have knowledge of the full range of workplace and environmental hazards (chemical, physical, biological & psychosocial), associated risks of exposure to such hazards, and how these may cause an adverse impact on biological health, such as injury or illness.
Peregrine Medical’s occupational physicians have many years of training and working in industry to enable them to have a broad and detailed knowledge of work in terms of inherent task requirements, environment, and human ergonomics.
Our highly qualified and experienced occupational physicians include:
- Dr Martyn Flahive
We provide services from our Subiaco rooms as well as regular regional consulting. Our aim is to provide an excellent level of service with high quality and evidenced based expert advice to our clients. Our occupational physicians are industry based with a wide range of experience in many industries including mining, oil and gas, and chemical industries. They are actively involved in the teaching of occupational physician registrars and in the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.